Monday, December 21, 2009

6th Grade Revisited

6th Grade Revisited is off for the holidays! Everyone have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

6th Grade Revisited - The Sucker Punch!!

I had no idea when I began writing 6th grade revisited that my son would soon face his very own 6th grade bully. It happened this week during recess. Ah, recess where kids should have fun, run wild with reckless abandon. It should never be a combat zone. However on this day it was, just like it was for me so many times when I was in 6th grade. Except my son did something that I never did: he spoke up.

You know, I am not quite sure I want to call this person who sucker punched my son a bully – defined by Webster as someone who torments, intimidates or frightens. My son was not scared. This kid was being extremely aggressive on the playground with others knocking and pushing them around. When suddenly my son stepped in the child’s path and said, “Hey look we are not afraid of you.” That is when his face met the attacker’s fist. He and a group of kids immediately took this situation to a teacher, who swiftly escalated it to the principal. The call to our house from the principal was complimentary towards my son. He made it abundantly clear my son was not in any trouble, plus he was impressed by his calm demeanor finding his story credible. After interviewing several other witnesses including the playground punk, the principal made a suspension. I have a pleased little boy walking around the house feeling like a hero, hoping he will have a black eye before the weekend. He believes girls are more receptive to a battered and bruised hero than one who appears unscathed.

In 1982, tattle-telling was taboo, with no inclination there would be repercussions should you go to a teacher. I applaud my son’s school system, empowering young children to speak out. Not only do they encourage open communication, but they also make it very clear there is zero-tolerance for violent behavior in school.

It was an exciting day for my little 6th grader, an upsetting day for grandma (she wants to hunt the little brat down.) Hubby was proud and as for me…I could not help but marvel at the irony…his first adversarial peer in the 6th grade. Begs the question, will there be a 6th Grade Revisited Part Deux??...STAY TUNED!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

6th Grade Revisited -Pardon my turkey!

Our latest homework assignment - write a letter to President Obama worthy enough to pardon a Thanksgiving turkey. Our letters:


Dear President Obama,

I am the President/CEO of the Obama fan club which has four million members in the U.S. and we all voted for you, now if you eat me you will lose 4 million voters. Our fan club was also thinking about opening new businesses such as Wal-O’Bama, Bed Bath and Obama, Obama’s ‘R’Us and Obama Wild Wings. We will halt these plans if you do not pardon me. Losing all this will guarantee no second term. I know you are busy, so I will let you go…but first I want to add that I also have a disease called T1K1 so eating me could start a pandemic.


Dear President Obama,

Please pardon this turkey Mr. Giblet McCluckin (Gib for short) because he was unjustly accused! I have been an avid supporter visiting him for many years, while he was on death crow. He asked me to look into his case, so without a reservation, I began sinking my teeth in. After pouring over the facts in his case, it was apparent there was no forensic evidence linking him to the crime of which he is accused. No bird DNA, no eagle-eye witnesses, and no three-toed footprints found anywhere at the crime scene. The lack of evidence could have knocked me over with a feather. I firmly believe Gib was framed by Hampton Von Glutton III. I know, I know pigs get blamed for pretty much everything, but I do believe Hampton is the guilty party. Mr. Obama, you must pardon my turkey because he was not involved in any fowl play!

P.S. I am not asking you to give up protein cold turkey, just eat pork instead!

Neither of us talked to the other about what we were going to write…hmmm I wonder if a certain flu virus was on both our minds..ahh the wonderful media....STAY TUNED!