Sunday, November 8, 2009

6th Grade Revisited - Sick Day

I remember some mornings during my 6th grade year were agonizing. I tried to figure out clever ways to skip school, especially if I was severely threatened the day before by the irrational bullies who tormented me. Had a lot of tricks up my sleeve to stay home, most often, I would try the old thermometer on the light bulb trick. When I should have undoubtedly been deceased one morning my mom caught on and shoved my butt out the door.

Present day… My 6th grade son woke up one morning, shuffled into our room complaining of a stuffy nose. He travels over to my husband -the softy-to tell him he is sick. He knew not to go to me. If an appendage is not falling off, I send him to school! This was their actual conversation:

Son: Dad, I don’t feel well.

Dad: Do you think you should stay home?

Son: I am not sure, what do you think?

Dad: On a scale from 1-10 how do you feel?

Son: Oh, about a 6

My husband let him stay home. WHAT?! I am on the way to work seething, as if my son and I are really peers and he just out-performed me. I am mumbling to my self in the car saying “What was that… ‘Do you think I should stay home?’ Was this some kind of reverse psychology??…the only reason why the thermometer got so high that one time…well…my mom came in the room too quickly, plus those 100 watt bulbs…WAIT A MINUTE…what am I saying"? He was actually sick; he was not trying to stay home because of bullies. As dramatic as my son is, if he were trying to say home due to fear, he would have told my husband that the Grim Reaper was standing over his bed! My son is not afraid to go to school. YEA!! As a parent you never want your child to experience the hardships you had to endure. This made me happy, I am happy that my son really is sick, sounds crazy but I would have taken a stuffy nose over bullies any day…STAY TUNED!

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