Wednesday, August 26, 2009

6th Grade Revisited - The Third Week

OK - I met all my teachers on "Meet the Teacher Night," and they never even suspected my undercover operation! My husband being there as a decoy no doubt helped with the ruse, as they mistakenly thought I was there as a parent and not as a 6th grader. I am so clever.

Here are some key assignments we have to do this year: Make up our own country, name it, draw it and create its history. There is lots of reading and we have to memorize the Greek alphabet by a water clock.Huh? What is a water clock? I am thinking it is something that makes watery noises to distract the kids while they recite the Greek alphabet. Since I don't have a water clock lying around, this is what I am going to do to recreate the experience: After I memorize the alphabet, I will have one of my co-workers (she will act as the teacher) go with me to the second floor of our office. There is a toilet there that runs for about five minutes after you flush it, I am sure the sound will produce something similar to a water clock. I am clever and resourceful.

Oh, I almost forgot. My son is still sharing EVERYTHING with me whether I want to hear it or not. He even demonstrated the move the "love of his life" made on him during recess. She came over to him, put her elbow on his shoulder and said "How are you doing today?" He acted the whole thing out and showed me everything she did. I don't know what disturbed me more, the fact that some girl is hitting on my little baby boy on the playground or that now he is tall enough to put his elbow on my shoulder. They grow up too fast. Παραμονή που συντονίζεται (Stay Tuned in Greek)


  1. Wow-the love of his life, that is pretty deep for sixth grade. :) How do you know about the second floor bathroom by the way?
