Wednesday, August 12, 2009

6th Grade was AWFUL!

There is a saying that people don't change, this is not true...they do. I did. In grades K-5th I was gregarious, funny, you might even say the class clown. Then came sixth grade. It was the fall of 1981 and the first year of "bussing" in our school district. Initially, I thought bussing was a wonderful idea, well only because my parents said it was. I did not know any better. It was awful. I am black and grew up in white suburbia, had white friends and I guess a white dialect. My "whiteness" caused many of my new bussed black classmates to despise me. Daily many of them would taunt me and some wanted to beat me up. Well, all of this changed me, I began to withdraw, my grades suffered and I barely spoke to anyone. My introvertedness made things worse because white people began to hate me thinking I was a snob. Geeesh all I wanted to do was go to school, learn, hang out with my friends and sprinkle in a little class clowniness from time to time. I let the bullies win.

But that is behind me, I am 39 and I have a second chance! That's right a second chance to revisited 6th grade. My son is starting the sixth grade and I have decided to relive it through him. I will do some of his assignments (I will post our work on this blog), read his materials, discuss classroom activities as if I am there. I will do everything but eat the cafeteria food. I have to draw the line somewhere...I am so thankful I get to revisit 6th grade...I think this just might be therapeutic...STAY TUNED!


  1. Should I tell you that I wasn't born yet when you were going into 6th grade?

  2. In all the years that I have known you, I don't think you have ever told me this. From what I can remember about our 6th grade year and "bussing" is that I don't remember it. I mean I remember that it happened, but nothing affected me for it to stand out.

    I remember meeting you at Stonybrook and you would sell, you were the greatest person in my eyes..HAHA! My first impression wasn't that I thought you were a snob, but that you were so pretty and shy-and my candy girl! :)

    Kudos to you for revisiting 6th grade-I can't wait to see what 6th grade is like now-Let's get this Party started right! P.S. Please do't wear your comb in your back pocket! LOL
